Sunday, October 3, 2010

Take Time

I remember while I was planning my wedding day my cousin gave me the best advice. It is advice I continue to pass on to new brides whenever I get the chance. That advice was to 'remember to take time to take it in'. It seems kind of obvious, but she explained to me the reason she was giving me this advice was because she didn't and if it weren't for her video and her pictures, she wouldn't have a single memory of the event. It was all a blur to her. So I made sure I took the time and have wonderful memories of my wedding day!

Unfortunately, I probably should have continued on with that advice for the rest of my life. Especially since the older I get the faster time goes. I used to think if I did not work full time, if I could be a stay at home mom I would not be missing so much. Since I was laid off two years ago and have been a stay at home mom, I realize that I was fooling myself. I still feel I am missing a lot. Then it dawned on me! I wasn't taking that little extra time. I wasn't taking a few small moments to take it in. So I am promising from here on to start taking time to soak in the moment.

I am also going to be looking for more things to do closer to home. Not everything has to be a huge production, does it? There has to be something to Hasbro's current marketing campaign 'Make it Game Night' right? Make it Game night, craft night, movie night...heck, make it 'stay in your P.J.'s and read all day'! Whatever slows the pace and gives a little tranquility. I'm not stopping the outings and big productions. Those still have their time and place and I need to take in those moments too. I just need to spend more time slowing down too. No matter how small it is. We shall see how it goes...

So I am on the look out for ideas...I'll share as I find them.

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